“A stream would rise from the earth…and breathed….the breath of life…..”
God, help me remember to keep getting out of my own way….actually…strike through ‘my own way’, and replace it with ‘your way’, God. What an interference I have been the continual emergence of my own life as lived as a conduit for your loving grace. Every. Moment. Every last one, you are there patiently wanting to nudge my hand lightly as if the angel’s breath nearness of a shetland pony’s muzzle. May I wait in between breaths for your eternal wisdom. Trusting. Allowing. Trusting. Allowing. Moments. Creating space. Space for your glory.
Photo:Well, how about that. As a contempative photographer, I love to massage images from behind the lens and in the darkroom so to speak. This image is a weaving of an old family photograph, photos from a walk the other day, and a snapshot of a heirloom clock that is in need of repair. I have come to use these photographic ‘weavings’ as a Viseo Divina as I pull and place, and massage photos together in a contemplative practice. This one caught me by surprise this morning as it came into being. Why, I wonder did I pull this clock out of the basement that has been sitting in wait of repair for over 100 years? Why am I taking it today to someone who repairs old clocks, who came across my path quite out of the blue? And, why did I pull this old photograph out of two ancestors who would have sat in conversation in the room where this clock would have rhythmically kept time in the background? To know that they gazed upon the face I now gently brush layers of dust off makes the process one of honour and wonderment. Grace. And, how did all of these images taken through time, and of time, make it to the same place at the same time, during our walk through Sacred Time? Life. Life with the allowance for God’s grace. Amazing. Amazing Grace.