It strikes me that stability is available to me in a myriad of spaces and ways in every moment – all waiting for me to make a choice to commit to each. Discernment. A choice to engage in committed ways so that I may be sustained in the difficulties and the joys of life.
And, that to do so – to turn toward committment takes great courage, tenacity of spirit and discernment. It takes the all of me I have been working to unearth and bring to life. It means to take all of who we are, informed by spirit, into the rooms of our lives and dare to speak the truth through words and the grace of movement. To use the God given agency we have to truthfully show up in our lives shouting with even the subtlty of a glance – ‘Here I am. I humbly and openly give this now all of who I am in the passage of this ever-evoving moment.”
Like the seagulls sustain me with their presence – each gull has their own form of stability in how they naturally live – moment by moment – turning a feather toward the wind. A natural way of being should we allow it. To persevere and grow into ourselves as we experience the every changing tidal nature of our lives.