Something is shifting – yet again. Letting go. Loosening its grip. Revealing long forgotten warmth of light and spirit. The spiral of healing and of life itself. Time is not linear from a soul perspective. We are constantly spiralling through our lives – tumbling through time to heal that which still fragments and contains aspects of our most sacred selves. In these days there is great opportunity beneath our feet if we can step into that which is revealing itself as the old drops away. Triggers through time and space – portals of possibility. Transformational paths to move through with outstretched arms. Enlivening beneath that which has been tucked away and compressed – tormented in its waiting . Throwing back the veils that covered the sweet truth that dragged behind, patiently waiting for your fingertips to reach longingly through time. Waiting for dawn’s sweet mercy and the multitude of the colours and warm life-giving love, wholeness and care of the sun and her urging for us to unfurl our natural selves, pushing back through the fertile ground and back to our most essential selves and our very life in ways long forgotten. Space. Beloved and sacred space. Clearing and moving the dark fertile earth – pushing through with gasps of gratitude of deep understanding for all that is, as it lays quite simply and patiently at our feet. Clarity within clarity beyond, and beyond…. we tumble through space and time.