When stillness comes, boy does she come. Like a freight train. Is there anything louder than that which waits in the wings, stage left?
Standing in the cool grass at 5 am. Not a sound. Not even nature is awake. I can almost hear the coffee in my cup and cool grass against my feet.
Why does stillness feel so new – every time I meet her. I’ve been here before and long for her touch. Much of my life is a conscious attempt to greet her like a lover with outstretched arms and arched neck. Searching under rocks and around corners for her fingertips so I can bask in her treasured embrace. Real silence. The stuff of giants. Longed for in eternal ways.
True silence is landed in, not sought. At least for me. And, here I am. Breathing within her. Separation having faded into the background as through falling through space and time. I am at once with her and without her. For eternity.