I’ll Be Waiting

I’ll Be Waiting

“Oh, I get it now. You thought you were supposed to walk that path over there. Right I see. Yes, a common mistake – a lot of people think that. Hmm. Didn’t you see what was just beyond that? I mean it wasn’t that hidden. Was it? I meant for it to be more obvious than that. Geez. Sorry about that. Maybe you can try again?”

“Hey, what’s your hurry? Before you go – you do know that the other path doesn’t mean a life that is good or happy or all that other malarky, right? It’s just an exploration. That’s all. It’s not a maze with cheese waiting for twitching whiskers. Don’t let life stop you from living. There are no paths with dead ends or snakes to slide down on your board game life. Keep living. It’s the only game in town worth the quarter.”

“I’ll be waiting.”