A good life is like a weaving. Energy is created in the tension. The struggle, the pull and tug are everything. ~ Joan Erikson
Jan’s Woven Images are a weaving of photos taken higgeldy-piggledy through her days. As a practice, photos are picked and playfully pulled together to form a finished product that often feels anything but finished in the way any exploration always has new paths just beyond to explore.
As a fan of playful creative practice, Jan invites us all to delight in the creation of collage as a way of bringing something new and yet unknown to us to life, whether it be pulling together photos, words, ideas, philosophies, magazine rip-outs or paintings and drawings of our own. To be in a state of creation is to allow the space for something expansive and new to emerge that is often pure delight to our senses and can inform us of that which is just beyond the veil of our own understanding. The essence of things. The space between time itself.
The term Woven Images is inspired by the work of Joan Erikson. Joan’s invitation to depict the stages and transitions of a life through the weaving of a multi-coloured tapestry, is a powerful and living piece of reflective art to produce and hold. Perhaps best known for her work in collaboration with her husband, Erik, a pioneering psychoanalyst and noted author, Joan’s individual work is well worth exploring, especially as it relates to the later stages of a life.
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