Participation in Group Spiritual Companionship is rich in its offerings:

  • to be held and listened to deeply by fellow participants – witnessed in your own spiritual journey
  • to be held in regard and in prayerful silence by others on similar paths
  • to cultivate even greater ability to listen deeply and fully to fellow group members
  • to grow in the ability to witness and be present through silence and artful reflective questioning that is learned and deepened over time
  • to watch the gift of a group experience shift through time – both individually and collectively
  • to witness and come to know the ever deepening experience of spending time with those who are seeking in similar spiritual ways
  • participants often come to feel a new sense of themselves that individual work does not offer in quite the same way
  • participants often find that much of what is gained in skill and wisdom is often naturally transferred into their professional and private life as time goes by

Each group session with have a framework that ensures each participant is given time to share if they so wish. Scripture, poetry and other practices will be implemented as ways to ‘jump off’, explore and deepen personal experience and spiritual practices.

Before signing up for Group Spiritual Companionship, please visit the Prospective Client Page.

If you are interested in finding out more and in the possibility of participating in a Group Spiritual Companionship experience, please email me at .